Master Level

A Journeyman is really good at what they do and can handle most tasks. But a Master is something special. A Master is a leader who can make amazing things, come up with new ideas, and help others learn the craft. A Master has made a big difference in their community. Ususally, someone who wants to be known as a Master would create a Masterpiece - a project that shows incredible creativity, skill, or quality. To reach that level in our program, you'll need to make your own Masterpiece from start to finish - design, slicing, printing, and finishing touches. This piece will be judged by past Masters to see if it's awesome enough. This won't be quick or easy, but it's meant for those who want to be the very best at 3D design!

How to achieve Master status

Demonstrate extensive knowledge of 3D printing 

Complete at least 2 designs from the Advanced Tutorials page, or one of similar difficulty (must be approved by Thom)

Create a masterpiece, to be judged by a panel of current masters

Show a commitment to the CV 3D printing community by, for example, training at least 2 Novice or Apprentice designers, or creating a tutorial video or document

Achieving the Master title requires a significant effort. Do not be in a hurry to reach this level of proficiency!


Laser-etched card with your name

Masterpiece displayed on the digital picture frame in Thom's office

One-time pick of prints from the "treasure box"

Training to operate printer independently

Unlimited printing, subject to printer availability

Print designs from other software (SculptGL, Sculptfab, OnShape, SketchUp, Fusion360)

Master - Advanced 3D Printing & Design


YHT Rule

Import STLs

Import Images

Making Organic Shapes

PLA Filament

Sanding and Filling

Watch Pros finish a print! (long)

Filling and Sanding


Here are some designers who do great work. Some have made tutorials you can use to get started on a design.

TinkerCAD's project site




Inventor Studios

Make Anything

SculptGL - Free, web-based sculpting program. Designs can be downloaded and imported into TinkerCAD.